Obama was mired in budget negotiations, canceling trips and scrambling to stave off a government shutdown that could only undermine the public's faith in his leadership.
It was the messy business of governing, and how it's going to be in this long campaign for incumbent Obama.
Beyond the vision for economic competitiveness he wants to talk about, Obama is chasing a second term while trying to make a deeply divided government work. He got bogged down in legislative tactics in his first two years, even when he won fights on health care and other issues.
The goal now is to avoid all that. He can't.
In this test of leadership, the White House says Obama wrangled the budget compromise he wanted, spending cuts he supported without shelving his priorities or accepting unacceptable policy changes.
His administration portrayed it as an example of bipartisan cooperation of the highest stakes.
Yet the government was on the brink of closing, and many people were wondering how that could happen, or why. Click HERE for entire article
This is change?
The showdown was a reminder that for all a president's powers, there's much beyond control. Think Libya, Egypt, Japan's earthquake, not to mention Iraq and Afghanistan.
In this case, the new House Republican majority, led by Speaker John Boehner, seized on a must-pass budget bill to give voice to frustrated voters and tea party conservatives who demanded spending cuts.
It was brinksmanship mode again in the capital, where nothing gets done until the deadline. Sometimes not even then.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Tax Tips 2011
Overlooked Tax Deductions
Laura Saunders
provided by Click HERE
8 Overlooked Deductions
1. State-tax refunds for AMT taxpayers. Taxpayers often forget that state tax refunds aren't taxable to those who owe alternative minimum tax, or AMT, for the same tax year, as long as the amount of the refund is less than the amount of state income tax disallowed under AMT.
2. Charitable donations, Part I. Donors may not deduct labor or time, but they may deduct expenses such as mileage or uniforms. Board members or chosen representatives also may deduct unreimbursed expenses for attending a conference or meeting. For details, see IRS publication 526.
[ More from WSJ.com: What's New for Tax Season ]
3. Charitable donations, Part II. Employees who give to charities via payroll deductions at work frequently forget to include them on their personal return. "The number is not on the W-2 and there's no letter," says Melissa Labant, an expert with the American Institute of CPAs.
4. Health-insurance premiums for the self-employed. For 2010 only, people who are self-employed and have deductible health-insurance premiums may also deduct them against Social Security taxes on Schedule SE. For 2010 and after, these same taxpayers may deduct premiums for a child under age 27 at the end of the year, even if the child isn't a dependent for tax purposes.
5. Medical expenses. The disallowance equal to 7.5% of adjusted gross income is a high hurdle, but those who qualify shouldn't overlook all possible expenses, listed in IRS publication 502. Ms. Labant advises married couples to consider filing separately if one partner has high bills. "This is one of the only times that filing separately can lower the total tax bill," she says.
6. Sales-tax deduction in lieu of income taxes. This provision, which Congress has extended through 2011, allows itemized deductions for state and local sales tax instead of state and local income taxes. Taking this is a no-brainer in states without an income tax, and it may work for others if state income taxes are relatively low but a taxpayer had big-ticket purchases such as a car, boat or engagement ring, according to H&R Block's Tax Institute.
[ More from WSJ.com: Rich Targeted in IRS Audit Offensive ]
7. Moving expenses. Taxpayers who moved more than 50 miles for work and stayed employed may often deduct reasonable moving expenses. No itemization is necessary. See IRS publication 521.
8. Domestic Production Deduction. This generous benefit for having a qualified business in the U.S. can be claimed by sole proprietors, partnerships and corporations; it can even apply to farmers. It is easy to miss, says Chris Hesse, a CPA with LarsonAllen LLP in Minneapolis, "because no checks are written and tax-prep software may be unaware of it."
8 Audit Triggers
1. Mortgage-interest deduction over $50,000.Taxpayers are allowed to deduct interest on qualified loans up to $1 million (plus $100,000 of home-equity debt), and $50,000 is roughly equal to the annual interest on a $1 million loan at 5%. "Clients with larger payments are sometimes too busy to refinance," says David Lifson of Crowe Horwath CPAs in New York, "but they are likely to hear from the IRS."
2. Large charitable contributions, especially of noncash items. Taxpayers must have proof for every dollar of donation deductions, and sometimes appraisals. See IRS publications 526 and 561.
3. Schedule C business losses more than two years in a row. Because these losses are deductible against other income, losses in three or more consecutive years arouse the IRS's suspicion that they are nondeductible "hobby losses." A small profit raises taxes very little and diverts attention, says Robert Gard of Gard & LaFreniere, an Atlanta-area CPA firm.
4. Home-buyer tax credit. Congress has passed three versions of this stimulus since 2008, and research by official watchdogs showed substantial fraud in the initial one. Later versions require taxpayers to provide documents proving they qualify for the break.
[ More from WSJ.com: The Kind of Tax Trouble That Leads to Jail]
5. Rental real estate, especially with losses. A perennial red flag, especially if the taxpayer claims to be a real-estate professional, because the losses are then deductible against ordinary income. The IRS will be even more suspicious if the wages and professional activities are performed by a single person or one partner of a couple, because professional status often requires a 750 hour-a-year commitment, says James Guarino of Boston-area CPA firm Moody, Famiglietti & Andronico.
6. Payouts to subchapter S owners who earn little or no compensation. Owners of closely held businesses using subchapter S sometimes pay themselves in dividends and lowball their wages in order to minimize the 15.3% payroll tax. It's difficult for the IRS to police, but those who take too little compensation are asking for IRS attention, Mr. Gard says. One rule of thumb: The ratio of pay to profits should be 70% or higher.
7. Large deductions in relation to income, especially for business travel and entertainment. What is too large? That's hard to say, and the IRS zealously guards its audit formulas. See IRS publication 463.
8. Home office--maybe.Years ago, the IRS was famous for challenging home-office deductions, but has backed off lately, say some experts. See IRS publication 587.
6 Common Errors
1. Overstating charitable deductions. If you attend a charity event, you may deduct only a portion of the ticket cost, which is usually stated in a letter from the charity. This is true even if you don't attend, unless you donate the ticket back to the charity beforehand.
2. Deducting mortgage "points" incorrectly. Mortgage fees are deductible upfront only for a first mortgage. Points on refinancings must be deducted over the life of the loan.
3. Overlooking the "kiddie" tax. Children up to age 23 often owe tax at their parent's rate on investment income over $1,900. Information from the parent(s)' return is required to complete the child's, so it should be finished first. For details, see IRS publication 929.
4. Missing the Making Work Pay credit. Last year was the final one for this refundable, dollar-for-dollar credit of up to $400 for individuals or $800 for married couples earning less than $190,000 (single: $95,000). Although withholding was adjusted to reflect this credit, taxpayers also need to file Schedule M to claim it.
5. Omitting small interest payments. Banks and other firms don't have to provide a 1099 form for amounts less than $10. So why do such small amounts matter? Because they still are taxable income. An IRS auditor may note the discrepancy, and "any unreported income makes the IRS nervous and can lead to more questions," says Ms. Labant of the AICPA.
6. Roth conversions and filing extensions. Taxpayers who converted regular IRAs to Roth accounts in 2010 have until Oct. 17 to reverse them. It may make sense to get a six-month filing extension, because if you already have filed and decide to reverse the conversion, you will have to file an amended tax return.
5 Tips for Investors
1. "Wash" sales. You can't take long-term capital losses on stock sales if you also buy shares 30 days before or after the sale. Exercising stock options counts as a purchase.
2. Dividends. Only "qualified" dividends get a top tax rate of 15%; others are taxed at ordinary income rates. Fortunately most dividends of stocks held longer than two months count as qualified, but check broker reports.
3. Losses. Long-term capital losses (those on investments held longer than a year) can be used to shelter an equal amount of gains. Up to $3,000 of excess can then be deducted against ordinary income per year, and what's left can carry forward indefinitely.
4. Employee stock. A discount is recorded on your W-2 form that should raise cost basis and lower taxes when the stock is sold. But this adjustment is often overlooked.
5. Incentive stock options. Watch out for alternative-minimum-tax consequences both on exercise and sale.
3 Ways to Cut Your Tax Bill Now
1. Regular IRA. You may deduct contributions to a regular IRA made by April 18. For more details on who is eligible, see IRS publication 590. Note: Taxpayers 50 and older can put in a bit more.
2. SEP IRA and other pension plans. Unlike with regular IRAs, deductible contributions may be made until Oct. 17 for those with filing extensions.
3. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). You may deduct up to $6,150 per family ($3,050 single) for an HSA if you had a qualifying high-deductible health plan in 2010. Contributions are due by April 18.
Offshore Accounts
The IRS is going after undeclared foreign accounts. Taxpayers with accounts totaling more than $10,000 at any one point during a year—this can include foreign trusts or the Canadian version of IRAs, among other things—must check a box on the tax return and file a special form with Treasury by June 30.
Not doing so risks draconian penalties that can swallow half of the account, and the rules don't always distinguish between taxevading fraudsters and expatriates or others with foreign accounts. "This is a detail taxpayers shouldn't miss," says Bryan Skarlatos, an attorney with Kostelanetz Fink in New York, "because you could wind up in jail.
8 Overlooked Deductions
1. State-tax refunds for AMT taxpayers. Taxpayers often forget that state tax refunds aren't taxable to those who owe alternative minimum tax, or AMT, for the same tax year, as long as the amount of the refund is less than the amount of state income tax disallowed under AMT.
2. Charitable donations, Part I. Donors may not deduct labor or time, but they may deduct expenses such as mileage or uniforms. Board members or chosen representatives also may deduct unreimbursed expenses for attending a conference or meeting. For details, see IRS publication 526.
[ More from WSJ.com: What's New for Tax Season ]
3. Charitable donations, Part II. Employees who give to charities via payroll deductions at work frequently forget to include them on their personal return. "The number is not on the W-2 and there's no letter," says Melissa Labant, an expert with the American Institute of CPAs.
4. Health-insurance premiums for the self-employed. For 2010 only, people who are self-employed and have deductible health-insurance premiums may also deduct them against Social Security taxes on Schedule SE. For 2010 and after, these same taxpayers may deduct premiums for a child under age 27 at the end of the year, even if the child isn't a dependent for tax purposes.
5. Medical expenses. The disallowance equal to 7.5% of adjusted gross income is a high hurdle, but those who qualify shouldn't overlook all possible expenses, listed in IRS publication 502. Ms. Labant advises married couples to consider filing separately if one partner has high bills. "This is one of the only times that filing separately can lower the total tax bill," she says.
6. Sales-tax deduction in lieu of income taxes. This provision, which Congress has extended through 2011, allows itemized deductions for state and local sales tax instead of state and local income taxes. Taking this is a no-brainer in states without an income tax, and it may work for others if state income taxes are relatively low but a taxpayer had big-ticket purchases such as a car, boat or engagement ring, according to H&R Block's Tax Institute.
[ More from WSJ.com: Rich Targeted in IRS Audit Offensive ]
7. Moving expenses. Taxpayers who moved more than 50 miles for work and stayed employed may often deduct reasonable moving expenses. No itemization is necessary. See IRS publication 521.
8. Domestic Production Deduction. This generous benefit for having a qualified business in the U.S. can be claimed by sole proprietors, partnerships and corporations; it can even apply to farmers. It is easy to miss, says Chris Hesse, a CPA with LarsonAllen LLP in Minneapolis, "because no checks are written and tax-prep software may be unaware of it."
8 Audit Triggers
1. Mortgage-interest deduction over $50,000.Taxpayers are allowed to deduct interest on qualified loans up to $1 million (plus $100,000 of home-equity debt), and $50,000 is roughly equal to the annual interest on a $1 million loan at 5%. "Clients with larger payments are sometimes too busy to refinance," says David Lifson of Crowe Horwath CPAs in New York, "but they are likely to hear from the IRS."
2. Large charitable contributions, especially of noncash items. Taxpayers must have proof for every dollar of donation deductions, and sometimes appraisals. See IRS publications 526 and 561.
3. Schedule C business losses more than two years in a row. Because these losses are deductible against other income, losses in three or more consecutive years arouse the IRS's suspicion that they are nondeductible "hobby losses." A small profit raises taxes very little and diverts attention, says Robert Gard of Gard & LaFreniere, an Atlanta-area CPA firm.
4. Home-buyer tax credit. Congress has passed three versions of this stimulus since 2008, and research by official watchdogs showed substantial fraud in the initial one. Later versions require taxpayers to provide documents proving they qualify for the break.
[ More from WSJ.com: The Kind of Tax Trouble That Leads to Jail]
5. Rental real estate, especially with losses. A perennial red flag, especially if the taxpayer claims to be a real-estate professional, because the losses are then deductible against ordinary income. The IRS will be even more suspicious if the wages and professional activities are performed by a single person or one partner of a couple, because professional status often requires a 750 hour-a-year commitment, says James Guarino of Boston-area CPA firm Moody, Famiglietti & Andronico.
6. Payouts to subchapter S owners who earn little or no compensation. Owners of closely held businesses using subchapter S sometimes pay themselves in dividends and lowball their wages in order to minimize the 15.3% payroll tax. It's difficult for the IRS to police, but those who take too little compensation are asking for IRS attention, Mr. Gard says. One rule of thumb: The ratio of pay to profits should be 70% or higher.
7. Large deductions in relation to income, especially for business travel and entertainment. What is too large? That's hard to say, and the IRS zealously guards its audit formulas. See IRS publication 463.
8. Home office--maybe.Years ago, the IRS was famous for challenging home-office deductions, but has backed off lately, say some experts. See IRS publication 587.
6 Common Errors
1. Overstating charitable deductions. If you attend a charity event, you may deduct only a portion of the ticket cost, which is usually stated in a letter from the charity. This is true even if you don't attend, unless you donate the ticket back to the charity beforehand.
2. Deducting mortgage "points" incorrectly. Mortgage fees are deductible upfront only for a first mortgage. Points on refinancings must be deducted over the life of the loan.
3. Overlooking the "kiddie" tax. Children up to age 23 often owe tax at their parent's rate on investment income over $1,900. Information from the parent(s)' return is required to complete the child's, so it should be finished first. For details, see IRS publication 929.
4. Missing the Making Work Pay credit. Last year was the final one for this refundable, dollar-for-dollar credit of up to $400 for individuals or $800 for married couples earning less than $190,000 (single: $95,000). Although withholding was adjusted to reflect this credit, taxpayers also need to file Schedule M to claim it.
5. Omitting small interest payments. Banks and other firms don't have to provide a 1099 form for amounts less than $10. So why do such small amounts matter? Because they still are taxable income. An IRS auditor may note the discrepancy, and "any unreported income makes the IRS nervous and can lead to more questions," says Ms. Labant of the AICPA.
6. Roth conversions and filing extensions. Taxpayers who converted regular IRAs to Roth accounts in 2010 have until Oct. 17 to reverse them. It may make sense to get a six-month filing extension, because if you already have filed and decide to reverse the conversion, you will have to file an amended tax return.
5 Tips for Investors
1. "Wash" sales. You can't take long-term capital losses on stock sales if you also buy shares 30 days before or after the sale. Exercising stock options counts as a purchase.
2. Dividends. Only "qualified" dividends get a top tax rate of 15%; others are taxed at ordinary income rates. Fortunately most dividends of stocks held longer than two months count as qualified, but check broker reports.
3. Losses. Long-term capital losses (those on investments held longer than a year) can be used to shelter an equal amount of gains. Up to $3,000 of excess can then be deducted against ordinary income per year, and what's left can carry forward indefinitely.
4. Employee stock. A discount is recorded on your W-2 form that should raise cost basis and lower taxes when the stock is sold. But this adjustment is often overlooked.
5. Incentive stock options. Watch out for alternative-minimum-tax consequences both on exercise and sale.
3 Ways to Cut Your Tax Bill Now
1. Regular IRA. You may deduct contributions to a regular IRA made by April 18. For more details on who is eligible, see IRS publication 590. Note: Taxpayers 50 and older can put in a bit more.
2. SEP IRA and other pension plans. Unlike with regular IRAs, deductible contributions may be made until Oct. 17 for those with filing extensions.
3. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). You may deduct up to $6,150 per family ($3,050 single) for an HSA if you had a qualifying high-deductible health plan in 2010. Contributions are due by April 18.
Offshore Accounts
The IRS is going after undeclared foreign accounts. Taxpayers with accounts totaling more than $10,000 at any one point during a year—this can include foreign trusts or the Canadian version of IRAs, among other things—must check a box on the tax return and file a special form with Treasury by June 30.
Not doing so risks draconian penalties that can swallow half of the account, and the rules don't always distinguish between taxevading fraudsters and expatriates or others with foreign accounts. "This is a detail taxpayers shouldn't miss," says Bryan Skarlatos, an attorney with Kostelanetz Fink in New York, "because you could wind up in jail.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Car Deals for April 2011
Article provided by US News: click HERE
While sales remained strong for the entire month, demand for small, fuel-efficient cars meant car makers didn't need to offer impressive incentives to attract shoppers. As a result, overall incentives were down and analysts expect the trend to continue. If you're looking for a great deal on a new car, April may not be your month.
Complicating your chances of getting a good deal is the ongoing crisis in Japan. Because of the complex global supply chain most automakers use, the Japan catastrophe has had a ripple effect throughout the industry. Even domestic car makers have cut back on production as they try to conserve important parts. For consumers, this means that the supply of new cars could run short, making it tough to find the model and options you want, especially if you're shopping small cars. Adding to the squeeze on small cars is high demand as consumers go for more fuel-efficient models in the face of rising gas prices. High demand and limited supply for small cars means that automakers don't have to offer incentives.
"These latest numbers show by far the biggest February-to-March incentives decline since Edmunds.com started tracking in 2002," said Ivan Drury, analyst at Edmunds.com. "The decline is mostly likely a result of a 26% month-over-month sales jump in subcompact and compact cars which typically have a much lower level of incentives compared to large trucks and SUVs." In March, Edmunds.com says, domestic car makers spent an average of $310 less on incentives than they did in February. That means consumers spent, on average, $310 more on a new domestic car in March than they did in February. For the industry as a whole, car makers spent $469 less on incentives in March than they did in February. That effectively means that consumers spent 16.7 percent more for new cars in March than in February, according to Edmunds.com.
"The actual and perceived supply chain problems enabled automakers to lower incentive spending in March with the trend expected to continue into April,” adds Jesse Toprak, VP of Industry Trends and Insights for TrueCar.com. "The Japanese automakers will see a dramatic reduction in incentive spending in the coming months with an increase in transaction price."
With disruptions in new car production expected to last until mid-June and gas prices remaining high, if you're expecting to get a deal on a fuel-efficient car, you may want to wait. But, if you're considering something larger, you may get a deal. While incentives on small cars are fairly paltry, incentives on SUVs and larger cars are more enticing. Chevrolet is offering the 2011 Chevrolet Cruze with 2.9 percent financing for up to sixty months. Opt for the Chevrolet Malibu, and you can choose between $2,500 cash back and zero-percent financing for 60 months. Go for something even bigger, and you'll get a heftier discount. If you finance a 2011 GMC Sierra 1500 extended or crew cab through Ally Financial (GM's lending arm), you'll get $2,500 cash back plus a $2,005 cash allowance. Together those cash back offers drop the price by $4,505.
If you're looking for something that's better on gas, you can still find some deals, but don't expect generous cash back offers on small cars. Instead, automakers are offering zero-percent financing offers and lease deals. You should also take a look at small cars that may not have been on your radar before. While a hybrid like the Prius may be tough to get, it should be easier to get a good deal on high mileage cars like the Mazda2 and Ford Focus. The Ford Focus is one small car you may be able to negotiate a good deal on because a redesigned Focus is due out later this year. Dealers want to clear the 2011 Focus models off their lots before that happens.
While we strive to keep this list of the best car deals up-to-date, they can change without warning. In many cases, the deals available to you depend on where you live. The best way to find out if you can take advantage of these deals is to contact a dealer near you. You can use the form next to the car you're interested in below to contact local dealers for more information on the best new car deals. If these deals don't work for you, we've got the best deals for Toyota, Nissan, Ford, Honda, Chevy, Lexus, Infiniti, Jeep and Chrysler. We also have this month's best lease deals and best deals on used cars. There's a great deal out there for you, and we've done the research to help you find it.
2011 GMC Sierra 1500: Purchase Deal: up to $4,505 cash back when you finance though Ally Financial.
When shopping for a truck, it's easy to get sucked into the Ford vs. Chevy debate and forget all about GMC. That's a mistake. The GMC Sierra 1500 is a capable truck that's strong enough to work all day, but upscale enough for a night out. With the deal GMC is offering on the Sierra in April, you should have enough money to hit the town. Finance through Ally Financial, GMC's lending arm, and get up to $4,505 off on the Sierra 1500 crew and extended cab models. That's enough to put thoughts of a bowtie or a blue oval far from your mind. Expires: 05/02/11
MSRP: $20,850 - $46,645
Invoice: $20,016 - $43,380
MPG: 15 City / 18 Hwy
2011 Buick Enclave: Purchase Deal: $2,000 cash back or 0% APR for 60 months.
The Buick Enclave offers as much practicality as any other family crossover on the market, but ups the ante with high-end style and comfort. While that raises the Enclave's price, most reviewers say it's worth it. Though all the upscale appointments, including an available Bose stereo, are nice, the Enclave gets the most respect for having a third row that's actually adult-friendly. In April, the Enclave's higher price may be easier to stomach. You can choose between $2,000 cash back or zero-percent financing for up to 60 months for qualified buyers. Expires: 05/02/11
MSRP: $35,615 - $44,095
Invoice: Invoice: $33,834 - $41,890
MPG: 17 City / 24 Hwy
2011 Mazda2: Purchase Deal: Deal: 0% APR for up to 60 months.
Mazda, like most Japanese car makers, has faced supply and production issues since the earthquake in Japan. However, that hasn't stopped this automaker from offering the Mazda2 subcompact with zero-percent financing for up to 60 months. The Mazda2 is closely related to the popular Ford Fiesta, and reviewers like its fun-to-drive nature and low price. Keep in mind that Mazda2 supplies may run short due to the ongoing crisis in Japan, so negotiating a lower price may be tough. That's why a no-interest offer like this is so enticing. If you qualify for it, you'll save over the long term. It's also one of the best offers currently available on a small, fuel-efficient car. Expires: 05/02/11
MSRP: $14,180 - $16,435
Invoice: $13,996 - $16,216
MPG: 29 (Est) City / 35 (Est) Hwy
2011 Kia Sedona: Purchase Deal: Deal: $2,000 cash back and 0.9% APR for 36 months.
Minivans are all about value – and reviewers say the Kia Sedona is one minivan that has the value equation all sewn up. While the Sedona doesn't offer as many bells and whistles as other vans do, it does have a lower starting price and a longer warranty. That's good news for parents who care more about funding their kids' college funds than keeping them pacified with wide-screen DVD players. In April, you can finance the Sedona at 0.9 percent for 36 months and get $2,000 cash back. Expires: 05/02/11
MSRP: $24,595 - $29,195
Invoice: $23,870 - $27,275
MPG: 17 City / 23 Hwy
2011 Chevrolet Malibu: Purchase Deal: Deal: $2,500 cash back OR 0% APR for 60 months.
The Chevrolet Malibu may be due for a redesign, but the current model is still a good choice for midsize car shoppers. When the current generation debuted, it won North American Car of the Year, and reviewers still say it's a viable alternative to sedans from Honda and Toyota. The Malibu has plenty of space for a family, and styling that's conservatively elegant. In April, you can get the Malibu with $2,500 cash back or zero-percent financing for up to 60 months. Expires: 05/02/11
MSRP: $21,975 - $27,015
Invoice: $20,876 - $25,664
MPG: 22 City / 33 Hwy
While sales remained strong for the entire month, demand for small, fuel-efficient cars meant car makers didn't need to offer impressive incentives to attract shoppers. As a result, overall incentives were down and analysts expect the trend to continue. If you're looking for a great deal on a new car, April may not be your month.
"These latest numbers show by far the biggest February-to-March incentives decline since Edmunds.com started tracking in 2002," said Ivan Drury, analyst at Edmunds.com. "The decline is mostly likely a result of a 26% month-over-month sales jump in subcompact and compact cars which typically have a much lower level of incentives compared to large trucks and SUVs." In March, Edmunds.com says, domestic car makers spent an average of $310 less on incentives than they did in February. That means consumers spent, on average, $310 more on a new domestic car in March than they did in February. For the industry as a whole, car makers spent $469 less on incentives in March than they did in February. That effectively means that consumers spent 16.7 percent more for new cars in March than in February, according to Edmunds.com.
"The actual and perceived supply chain problems enabled automakers to lower incentive spending in March with the trend expected to continue into April,” adds Jesse Toprak, VP of Industry Trends and Insights for TrueCar.com. "The Japanese automakers will see a dramatic reduction in incentive spending in the coming months with an increase in transaction price."
With disruptions in new car production expected to last until mid-June and gas prices remaining high, if you're expecting to get a deal on a fuel-efficient car, you may want to wait. But, if you're considering something larger, you may get a deal. While incentives on small cars are fairly paltry, incentives on SUVs and larger cars are more enticing. Chevrolet is offering the 2011 Chevrolet Cruze with 2.9 percent financing for up to sixty months. Opt for the Chevrolet Malibu, and you can choose between $2,500 cash back and zero-percent financing for 60 months. Go for something even bigger, and you'll get a heftier discount. If you finance a 2011 GMC Sierra 1500 extended or crew cab through Ally Financial (GM's lending arm), you'll get $2,500 cash back plus a $2,005 cash allowance. Together those cash back offers drop the price by $4,505.
If you're looking for something that's better on gas, you can still find some deals, but don't expect generous cash back offers on small cars. Instead, automakers are offering zero-percent financing offers and lease deals. You should also take a look at small cars that may not have been on your radar before. While a hybrid like the Prius may be tough to get, it should be easier to get a good deal on high mileage cars like the Mazda2 and Ford Focus. The Ford Focus is one small car you may be able to negotiate a good deal on because a redesigned Focus is due out later this year. Dealers want to clear the 2011 Focus models off their lots before that happens.
While we strive to keep this list of the best car deals up-to-date, they can change without warning. In many cases, the deals available to you depend on where you live. The best way to find out if you can take advantage of these deals is to contact a dealer near you. You can use the form next to the car you're interested in below to contact local dealers for more information on the best new car deals. If these deals don't work for you, we've got the best deals for Toyota, Nissan, Ford, Honda, Chevy, Lexus, Infiniti, Jeep and Chrysler. We also have this month's best lease deals and best deals on used cars. There's a great deal out there for you, and we've done the research to help you find it.
The best deals for April 2011 are below:
When shopping for a truck, it's easy to get sucked into the Ford vs. Chevy debate and forget all about GMC. That's a mistake. The GMC Sierra 1500 is a capable truck that's strong enough to work all day, but upscale enough for a night out. With the deal GMC is offering on the Sierra in April, you should have enough money to hit the town. Finance through Ally Financial, GMC's lending arm, and get up to $4,505 off on the Sierra 1500 crew and extended cab models. That's enough to put thoughts of a bowtie or a blue oval far from your mind. Expires: 05/02/11
MSRP: $20,850 - $46,645
Invoice: $20,016 - $43,380
MPG: 15 City / 18 Hwy
The Buick Enclave offers as much practicality as any other family crossover on the market, but ups the ante with high-end style and comfort. While that raises the Enclave's price, most reviewers say it's worth it. Though all the upscale appointments, including an available Bose stereo, are nice, the Enclave gets the most respect for having a third row that's actually adult-friendly. In April, the Enclave's higher price may be easier to stomach. You can choose between $2,000 cash back or zero-percent financing for up to 60 months for qualified buyers. Expires: 05/02/11
MSRP: $35,615 - $44,095
Invoice: Invoice: $33,834 - $41,890
MPG: 17 City / 24 Hwy
Mazda, like most Japanese car makers, has faced supply and production issues since the earthquake in Japan. However, that hasn't stopped this automaker from offering the Mazda2 subcompact with zero-percent financing for up to 60 months. The Mazda2 is closely related to the popular Ford Fiesta, and reviewers like its fun-to-drive nature and low price. Keep in mind that Mazda2 supplies may run short due to the ongoing crisis in Japan, so negotiating a lower price may be tough. That's why a no-interest offer like this is so enticing. If you qualify for it, you'll save over the long term. It's also one of the best offers currently available on a small, fuel-efficient car. Expires: 05/02/11
MSRP: $14,180 - $16,435
Invoice: $13,996 - $16,216
MPG: 29 (Est) City / 35 (Est) Hwy
Minivans are all about value – and reviewers say the Kia Sedona is one minivan that has the value equation all sewn up. While the Sedona doesn't offer as many bells and whistles as other vans do, it does have a lower starting price and a longer warranty. That's good news for parents who care more about funding their kids' college funds than keeping them pacified with wide-screen DVD players. In April, you can finance the Sedona at 0.9 percent for 36 months and get $2,000 cash back. Expires: 05/02/11
MSRP: $24,595 - $29,195
Invoice: $23,870 - $27,275
MPG: 17 City / 23 Hwy
The Chevrolet Malibu may be due for a redesign, but the current model is still a good choice for midsize car shoppers. When the current generation debuted, it won North American Car of the Year, and reviewers still say it's a viable alternative to sedans from Honda and Toyota. The Malibu has plenty of space for a family, and styling that's conservatively elegant. In April, you can get the Malibu with $2,500 cash back or zero-percent financing for up to 60 months. Expires: 05/02/11
MSRP: $21,975 - $27,015
Invoice: $20,876 - $25,664
MPG: 22 City / 33 Hwy
United States Treasuries fall on rising inflation concerns
Treasuries fall on rising inflation concerns
10yr.top.pngclick on the chart to see other bond market data. By Laurie Segall, staff reporterApril 6, 2011: 6:39 PM ET
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Treasury prices fell Wednesday as concerns about rising inflation and the outlook for interest rates in Europe and the United States took center stage.
On Thursday, the European Central Bank is expected to raise interest rates -- a move aimed at battling The ECB's potential move would come just days after the People's Bank of China just hiked interest rates for the fourth in time in six months.
The interest rate hikes leave the Federal Reserve as the odd man out. The central bank has kept interest rates near 0% since December 2008 and that's starting to make investors nervous that inflationary pressures may hit sooner rather than later.
CNNMoney survey: Where the markets are headed
"There's some concern about inflation," Williams Capital Group fixed income analyst David Coard said. He said there's also some renewed talk about how much the Fed will stick to its guns when it comes to ending QE2.
QE2 or "quantitative easing" program is the central bank's program aimed at spurring economic growth by flooding the system with liquidity.
On Tuesday investors mulled over the outlook for interest rates after minutes released from the Federal Reserve showed Tuesday that central bank officials are at odds about rising prices.
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10yr.top.pngclick on the chart to see other bond market data. By Laurie Segall, staff reporterApril 6, 2011: 6:39 PM ET
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Treasury prices fell Wednesday as concerns about rising inflation and the outlook for interest rates in Europe and the United States took center stage.
On Thursday, the European Central Bank is expected to raise interest rates -- a move aimed at battling The ECB's potential move would come just days after the People's Bank of China just hiked interest rates for the fourth in time in six months.
The interest rate hikes leave the Federal Reserve as the odd man out. The central bank has kept interest rates near 0% since December 2008 and that's starting to make investors nervous that inflationary pressures may hit sooner rather than later.
CNNMoney survey: Where the markets are headed
"There's some concern about inflation," Williams Capital Group fixed income analyst David Coard said. He said there's also some renewed talk about how much the Fed will stick to its guns when it comes to ending QE2.
QE2 or "quantitative easing" program is the central bank's program aimed at spurring economic growth by flooding the system with liquidity.
On Tuesday investors mulled over the outlook for interest rates after minutes released from the Federal Reserve showed Tuesday that central bank officials are at odds about rising prices.
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